Spraoi International Street Arts Festival ich 2
2023, Spraoi International Street Art Festival, Waterford City_master (3)
Spraoi International Street Arts Festival, ich

Spraoi Street Festival

Spraoi International Street Arts Festival has been staged in Waterford, Ireland, since 1993. For three days each year residents of this medieval city take to the streets and enjoy an international programme of street arts and spectacle. Waterford’s narrow medieval streets, squares, quays and historic buildings provide an atmospheric backdrop to Spraoi’s celebration of contemporary perfornance culture. The majority of the events are free and suitable for all ages.


Spraoi International Street Arts Festival

Waterford City, Ireland – August 1st -3rd  2025

Ireland’s Premiere Street Party Returns!

Ireland’s premiere street arts party transforms Waterford into a giant stage on August Bank Holiday Weekend. The Spraoi Festival returns featuring artists from around the world. With all events free a Spin to Spraoi offers visitors an irresistible summer party invitation.

August 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2025

Spraoi International Street Arts Festival returns on August 1st, 2nd, 3rd 2025. Spraoi is Ireland’s premiere free summer street party. Waterford City and the festival welcomes performers and audiences from around the world. See this site in early 2024 as we unveil a feast of fun and creativity.
You are Invited! Tell your friends about our dates.

Spraoi International Street Arts Festival, Parade ICSpaoi2

This is likely to be the summer’s biggest birthday party. !

Find out more – click here
The Guardian newspaper described Spraoi thus: “Spraoi festival is a free urban festival in beautiful Waterford in the south-east of Ireland. It attracts nearly 100,000 people and the city streets act as a stage for acts from around the world.” The Guardian (UK Edition)